Sunday, December 27, 2020

362 - And then, there was one

It's been a while. I barely recall the last time I opened this page to write about something. I barely even recall half of the people whom I know used to read this blog.

I have changed through the past year, so has my goals, so has my circle of trust, and so has my thoughts.

I even changed the way I sleep at night, like literally, even the way my body poses while I sleep. That and the fact that my teeth grind against one another throughout the night. Last time I had that for this long, it was back when I was five. And then it got fixed, no one knows how. I had this coming and going for the rest of my life since then, but it was on the moments of stress, first timers, crap like that. But damn it has come to stay this time, and I don't recall a night through the past year which I didn't suffer from this, and I sure as hell don't recall a morning in the given time which I woke up without my jaw trying to keep away from my body, since it aches so bad.

It's been a while, for some so many things, and some I don't even miss.

But this last one I miss. I miss having a fine night sleep without grinding the hell out of my jaws. I get good enough of a sleep at nights, and my mind is relaxed, and I'm happy and energetic in the morning all right. But "O Good Gracious Lord" does my lower jaw hurt in the morning? And I miss that. I miss not having a painful jaw in the morning.