Tuesday, December 21, 2021

363 - Why [ In the Blue Hell ]? Why?

 It's been nearly a year since I last wrote here. I mean, if I was writing this a week later, it was a day over a year since I wrote 362.

This has been how the past 4 years have gone on. I've become ever more closed to sharing with people, and more and more open to opening up discussions around bullshit, just so that my mind keeps at ease, knowing I'm "talking" to people.

It's not like I don't care for people, which I fucking do. It's that I just don't get tangible results of so many people caring about me, I've started giving up on people. Yes, there were countably many people who helped through the way, some more and some less, and if you are reading this first handed, you are one of the countably many [ while one of you definitely does not read this first handed ], but I've came to terms with the fact that I should not be having expectations from people around me.

Truth be told, I've been through shit for the entirety of 2021, and I've been helped by so many dear to me, and that was just so and that is past now.

I should work on opening up a little bit more, letting people know a bit more of valuable stuff about me, and hope for the best.

P.S : I know this probably has errors, but I just didn't give a rats ass.

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